Tuesday 14 April 2015

Macrame Planters

I have been making my own macrame planters ever since I saw a post on gh0stparties

Her style and house/flat are both amazing from which I take some serious inspiration from.

Here is the link to her diy I followed & here is the link of where you can purchase the macrame cord I used.

Have fun!

*all photos are my own*

Thursday 2 April 2015

"Pretty" Rubbish

So much food that I buy these days comes in such pretty packaging. I just have to keep It all!

I think it's quite a cool way to reuse items which you might just throw away.

Think of summer parties. Using cool jars to serve cocktails in instead of normal glasses. The bonne maman jam and roses marmalade jars I think are great for this. A few paper straws and your on your way!

Use the jar or bottle as a vase, like I have above.

Make candles in the tin or jar - and give them as presents.

Store sewing bits or buttons.

Pen pots.

Plant pots.

Its about being creative and different. Reuse your "pretty" rubbish.


What can I reuse next ... 

*these are all my own photos*

Tuesday 31 March 2015

a crochet basket

Hi there!

For the last month i have been teaching myself (through the help of pinterest and you tube) how to crochet and i have finally completed a crochet storage basket! I'm now totally addicted and soon enough every free space i have in my flat will be filled with one! ha ha!

Here is how i made it!

For my sisters birthday we took a trip to hobby craft and i invested in some boodles textile yarn, 2 for £8! Not sure how long this offer is on for, but i really want to get some more!

Boodles advised a 10 mm crochet hook. So i purchased one of these by Pony.

I completed the basket using single crochets just because it was my first attempt and i wanted to make it easy for myself. There are so many patterns out there to use!

I used a pattern from www.nimidesign.com/diy-crocheted-baskets/. She has a great video tutorial on there too!

After reading the pattern over 10 times and watching the video twice! I got there!

I also made a small pink basket which i thought would be perfect for cotton buds or eyeshadows. I gave this to my sister as a 19th birthday present and rolled up a ten pound note complete with small velvet ribbon! Happy birthday! I think she liked it!